began my working life at the age of 16 years old by taking on various minor jobs, but I was always hungry for a bright professional future. Life does not always follow the path we draw for our future, and we do not always reach the final destination as we want it. Every decision matters. So, let us talk about how I went from being a copywriter and game designer to project director in the videogame, entertainment, and advertising industry.
When I was very young, I was a lazy student during high school, but I managed to stay in it with c-notes. I started college in communications and then in business, but neither profession dazzled me so I left them half way through. Restaurants, banks, health insurance companies, some business ventures, but the twenties left with no glory.
When did my professional path as a Project Manager journey begin? I would say it started when I discovered my love for reading books at the age of 19. I began to read novels and time stopped, with Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Edmondo de Amicis, Alexandre Dumas, Jules Verne, among others as faithful companions of adventures.
This is how I discovered that I not only enjoyed to read, but also to write. At the age of 27 I decided to put this to the test on a professional level. I started looking for small opportunities to write receiving remuneration in return. Having confirmed that I could dedicate myself to it, I started to work as a Copywriter in advertising agencies and magazines, but the pay rate at that time was not enough.
The funny thing is that it wouldn't be my previous work as a Copywriter that would lead me to the opportunity of becoming a Project Manager, but a simple post in my personal blog I wrote as a simple amateur a few years before. I talked about a graphic adventures PC video game that I love called ‘Monkey Island’. How did that happen?
Well, a friend shared with me a Facebook post from a new company that was looking for a game designer and knew I liked video games and wrote as well, so he thought it was appropriate to tell me about the job opportunity.
When I attended the job meeting, I stood out among others for my presentation, participation, knowledge, and previous experience in other jobs. The company's CEO later confessed to me in a one-to-one meeting that my Monkey Island article, my attitude, and knowledge demonstration during the group meeting led him to sit down with me and receive the job position.
That is how I started in ArtiGames Studio, first as a game designer, something I knew practically nothing about at that time, until I became project manager and finally Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the company.
So, how did I achieve it? The secret to becoming a project manager is not only to become an octopus capable of performing several tasks simultaneously, you must become the bloody Kraken! Hungry for new knowledge, capable of achieving the impossible.
But yes, a project manager must be a multitasker. You will have to know about many things and be able to do a little piece of everything so when the time comes you have the wisdom to hire the right people for each team.
This is important in order to be able to lead them fairly, friendly, but firm at the same time. Knowing how to recognize the professional skills and the soft skills of each one to properly delegate and give promotions to those who deserve it.
Understanding how to support the rights of your subordinates, understanding that being productive does not mean spending 16 hours a day in the office, but using a few hours a day in a productive way.
Your commercial skills also play a very important role, because a big part of a Project Manager's job is to set up and attend meetings. You will even be the key piece to close deals and maintain a cordial relationship with clients and it’s something very complicated because you will be asked about the advances or delays in projects.
"As we all know, a client always expects the job already done for yesterday, and when it is your own project, the investors are the ones who will have the torches in hand waiting to serve your head on a silver platter." - Angelo Du Bois
Everyone will be looking to you because you are the one who makes the final decisions on each project. You are the one who must go through each area, coordinate with each head of the teams and review reports. It’s you who has to be creative with your ideas or know how to nod and complement when a good idea crosses your table.
You will assign the necessary budget, and work with the available budget. You are the Composer and Director of the orchestra, a bad chord played during the execution of the melody and you will be responsible for the failure.
Being a Project Director is more than just a job, it is an art, it has many rewards. The satisfaction of being praised for a well-done job, seeing the joy and pride in each of the team members involved when a task, and when the entire project is a success is priceless.
If you are interested in following the path of a Project Manager in whatever industry you are considering, I advise you to work on your emotional intelligence. You should also become very organized and train your empathy skills. Develop a good level of communication, speed up your creativity, and also become financially intelligent.
You already know something about my personal history and experience and you know that a small ring becomes a link that will make a human engine work. You have all the ingredients to become a Project Manager, so what are you waiting for to take your first steps and achieve the success you deserve?