re you finding it hard to focus on work with a spouse, kids and pets in your home? If so, you may need to find a new spot to set up your remote office. Of course the default coffee shops are out of the question right now and renting a co-working space may also be impossible. 

So where can you find some quiet space to focus on your remote work assignments and escape the chaos of your home? Well, you could always rent a vacation property to use as a temporary remote office. 

Now this may sound like a drastic step, but it can be quite practical as long as you keep a few important tips, resources, and points in mind.

Renting an Airbnb Can Be Cheaper Than Renting an Office 

The first thing that may come to mind when thinking about renting an Airbnb for home office space is the cost, but there are a few ways you can keep this additional expense low. 

Staying Healthy & Safe in an Airbnb Can Be Easier Than Ever 

"You may also be wondering whether renting an Airbnb is safe amidst COVID-19 concerns, but rest-assured that not only are hosts aware of that concern, there are steps you can take to protect yourself."  - Derek Goodman

Creating a Productive Work Environment Can Be Really Simple 

With a vacation rental booked and some practical tips to keep your new office safe, you may also want a few tips to ensure your productivity when working remotely. 

Renting an Airbnb may seem like a drastic measure, but these are rather drastic times that we are dealing with right now. If having some dedicated office space will help you concentrate and help you adapt to working from “home,” consider giving it a try. You can always rent a space for a day or two to test things out and see if working from an Airbnb will work for you. 

Jun 18, 2021
Real Estate

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