re you looking for expert advice to generate relevant content online? Are you someone who is in dire need of a web expert to help you get the traction your web page desires? If you said yes to both the questions then worry no more because you are in for a treat!

Great web copy is one of the key importance of having a digital presence. After all, web experts are people who know the inside out of digital and understand it like no other.

Below are tips and advice to help you put out content that will get instant attention and get you more traffic on the website.

They are as follows:

Keep the language simple

The truth is that the customers visit your website for a reason i.e. either to shop or know your business better. You are selling yourself through your web content so make sure that the language that you use is easily understandable and does not confuse your audience.

"Try to break things down as simple as you can. If you explained it to a child would they understand it?" - Tim

Before: “Come sign up for our company”

After: “Sign up here to get our exclusive content about restaurant tips” 

This way your customers understand exactly what they’re getting themselves into. 

Original content

It is 2020 and no one wants to read the same kind of flowery terms and words that they have seen on 10 other websites. Make sure you research well before you put up something on your website. Originality is the key, always remember that. Being creative is a great way to show your personality and get customers attention. Your web copy needs to me more engaging.

Before: “Hurry! Supplies won't last forever”

After: “You spend the same amount of money on coffee weekly anyway so what’s one more pair of jeans?”

This can be an excellent way to delight your customers and make them act.

Make a social media presence

If you do not have a visible social media presence, no matter how authentic you are or how much effort you put in your business, you won’t be able to reach the masses. This is the age of digital. So, make sure that you are well aware of the latest trends and keep up with the changing landscape of social media.

As a business owner or entrepreneur you might not always be the best fit for the social media presence, but you can always hire people who are.

Before: “Having to tell people about your business one by one”

After: “Distributing information about your company to hundreds and thousands with a click of a button”

Did you find this article helpful? If so, go write excellent copy and be creative as you possibly can. It has worked for me, try it for yourself. Cheers!

Dec 10, 2020
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