part-time job is a good way to support oneself financially. However, if you are a student and planning to utilize this option, there are a few things you should consider before you embark on this journey.
Being a student and a part-time writer, I can tell you that things might get exhausted along the way. It’s true and I can say that because I have experienced it.
It all started in 2018 when I decided to pursue writing as a part-time professional. To be honest, I didn’t start it with the intention of making a living out of it. It was more like a ‘trial and error’ sort of plan. I enjoyed writing and without boasting of myself, I had a few skills too. So, I looked at the opportunity to improve and expand my ‘tiny writing skills.’
Things weren’t easy in the beginning. Agree or not, there is persisting fear of testing your new skills. That’s why the chances are you might not get an encouraging response in the first few months, or if you're lucky enough, the rough time you're going through might only last a few weeks.
In such circumstances, the best strategy is don’t take it on your heart or doubt your potential. Instead, consider it as a part of the journey that every successful professional must go through. Trust yourself, continue the hard work, and you will see the positive results real soon.
"Once you're past this phase and start foreseeing a successful future, destiny is ready to throw another challenge at you." - Irfa Batool
This time, the challenge is the college assessments and the exams that you must pass to get your degree.
This is a tough situation. But you must be ready for it from the start. At this moment, you can accede to one of the two options. You can either close your business completely or limit it to a few hours a day. Personally, I would prefer the second option as I have availed of the first, and it didn’t work well for me.
At the end of the day it depends on you. If you can tolerate this pressure, go for it. Everything has its odds, but it’s your enthusiasm and commitment that keeps you going.
Work hard, plan your day, and in all this busyness, don’t forget to tend to yourself. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. If you got a story to share, share it, and don’t just share it, but share it with the world.